M o o n B Y S i m a u d i o
M U L T I - R O O M
Not enough attention is paid to our friends to the North when it comes to high end audio manufacturers. More shame, us.
In 1980, Sima Electronique quietly began manufacturing high quality, great sounding, affordable audio electronics across the St. Lawrence River from Montréal. In the '90's, with the advent of the Celeste series of products, the company reorganized as Simaudio Ltd. The reference-grade Moon Series of products followed, firmly establishing them in the world of high end audio electronics. As their recognition (and their manufacturing facilities) grew, they were able to bring more production capability in-house, Today, they fabricate their own chassis with on-site CNC machines, make the transports for their disc players, produce circuit boards, wave solder critical assemblies, perform all QC testing and as a result of this level of control, they offer a very rare ten year warranty.
Combine that with a generous trade-up program, and you have a long-term pathway to enjoy the sonic benefits of Moon's finer offerings.
For more information about Moon by Simaudio, you're welcome to give us a call or visit the store.